PubMed / GoogleScholar / BioRxiv
Striatal cell-type specific stability and reorganization underlying agency and habit Malvaez M, Liang A, Hall BS, Giovanniello JR, Paredes N, Gonzalez JY, Blair GJ, Sias AC, Murphy MD, Guo W, Wang A, Singh M, Griffin NK, Bridges SP, Wiener A, Pimenta JP, Holley SM, Cepeda C, Levine MS, Blair HT, Wikenheiser AM, Wassum KM. BioRxiv
A dual-pathway architecture for stress to disrupt agency and promote habit
Giovanniello JE, Paredes N, Wiener A, Ramírez-Armenta K, Oragwam C, Uwadia HO, Lim K, Nnamdi G, Wang A, Sehgal M, Reis FMCV, Sias AC, Silva AJ, Adhikari A, Malvaez M, Wassum KM. Nature (2025) Free full text BioRxiv BlueSkyThread TweetPrint
See also commentary: Nature News article
A common stay-on-goal mechanism in anterior cingulate cortex for information and effort choices.
Gonzalez V, Malvaez M, Yeghikian A, Wissing S, Sharpe M, Wassum KM, Izquierdo I. (In Press) eNeuro.
Influence of real-world cue exposure and mood states on drinking: Testing neurobiological models of alcohol use disorder.
Meredith LR, Baskerville WA, Lee C, Grodin EN, Wassum, KM, Ray LA (In Press). Psychopharmacology.
Cognitive representations of intracranial self-stimulation of midbrain dopamine neurons depend on stimulation frequency
Millard SJ, Hoang IB, Greer Z, O’Connor SL, Wassum KM, James MH, Barker DJ, Sharpe MJ.
Nature Neuroscience (2024) Nature Neuroscience. 27, 1253–1259. BioRxiv
Maximizing electrochemical information: A perspective on background-inclusive fast voltammetry.
Movassaghi CS, Alcañiz Fillol M, Kishida KT, McCarty G, Sombers LA, Wassum KM, Andrews AM. (2024). Analytical Chemistry, 96(16), 6097-6105.
Dopamine projections to the basolateral amygdala drive the encoding of identity-specific reward memories
Sias AC, Jafar Y, Goodpaster CM, Ramírez-Armenta K, Wrenn TM, Griffin NK, Sharpe MJ, Wassum KM.
Nature Neuroscience (2024) TweetPrint Free Full Text BioRxiv
Anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex alcohol cue reactivity varies as a function of drink preference in alcohol use disorder.
Kirsch DE, Ray LA, Wassum KM, & Grodi, EN.
Drug & Alcohol dependence (2024) TweetPrint Free Full Text BioRxiv
Dorsomedial prefrontal cortex activation disrupts Pavlovian incentive motivation
Halbout B, Hutson C, Wassum KM, Ostlund SB.
Front Behav Neurosci (2022)
Amygdala-cortical collaboration in reward learning and decision making
Wassum KM.
eLife (2022) TweetPrint
Disruption in Pavlovian-instrumental transfer as a function of depression and anxiety.
Metts AV, Arnoudova I, Staples-Bradley L, Sun M, Zinbarg R, Nusslock R, Wassum KM, Craske MG.
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment (2022).
The medial orbitofrontal cortex – basolateral amygdala circuit regulates the influence of reward cues on adaptive behavior
Lichtenberg NT, Sepe-Forrest L, Pennington ZT, Lamparelli AC, Greenfield VY, Wassum KM
Journal of Neuroscience (2021) TweetPrint BioRxiv
See also commentary: This week in the journal.
A bidirectional corticoamygdala circuit for the encoding and retrieval of detailed reward memories
Sias AC, Morse AK, Wang S, Greenfield VY, Goodpaster CM, Wrenn TM, Wikenheiser AM, Holley SM, Cepeda C, Levine MS, Wassum KM.
eLife (2021) TweetPrint BioRxiv
Capturing Habitualness of Drinking and Smoking Behavior in Humans
Ray L, Han D,Grodin E, Bujarski S, Meredith L, Ho D, Neto S, Wassum KM
Drug & alcohol dependence (2019)
Mesolimbic dopamine projections mediate cue-motivated reward seeking but not reward retrieval in rats
Halbout B, Marshall AT, Azimi A, Liljeholm M, Mahler SV, Wassum KM, Ostlund SB.
eLife (2019)
Distinct cortical-amygdala projections drive reward value encoding and retrieval
Malvaez M, Shieh C, Murphy, MD, Greenfield VY, Wassum KM.
Nature Neuroscience (2019) TweetPrint Free Full Text BioRxiv
See also commentary: Anatomical specialties for value information Gourley Nature Neuroscience (2019)
Nucleus accumbens cholinergic interneurons oppose cue-motivated behavior
Collins AL, Aitken TJ, Huang I, Shieh C, Greenfield VY, Monbouquette HG, Ostlund SB, Wassum KM.
Biological Psychiatry (2019) TweetPrint BioRxiv
Habits are negatively regulated by histone deacetylase 3 in the dorsal striatum
Malvaez M, Greenfield VY, Matheos DP, Angelillis NA, Murphy MD, Kennedy PJ, Wood MA , Wassum KM
Biological Psychiatry (2018) 84(5) 383-392 TweetPrint Free Full Text BioRxiv
See also commentary: Distinct but Synergistic Roles for Histone Deacetylase in the Dorsal Striatum During Habit Formation Pittenger & Taylor Biological Psychiatry (2018) 84(5) 322-23
Regulation of habit formation in the dorsal striatum
Malvaez M, Wassum KM.
Current Opinion in Behavioral Science (2018) 20:67-74. Free Full Text
Modulation of cue-triggered reward seeking by cholinergic signaling in the dorsomedial striatum
Ostlund SB, Liu AT, Wassum KM, Maidment NT.
European Journal of Neuroscience (2017) 45 (3) 358-364. Free Full Text
Basolateral amygdala to orbitofrontal cortex projections enable cue-triggered reward expectations
Lichtenberg NT, Pennington ZT, Holley SM, Greenfield VY, Cepeda C, Levine MS, Wassum KM
Journal of Neuroscience (2017)
Optogenetic excitation of cholinergic inputs to the hippocampus primes future contextual fear associations
Hersman S, Cushman J, Lemelson N, Wassum KM, Lotfipour S, Fanselow MS.
Scientific Reports (2017) 7, 2333.
Amygdala mu-opioid receptors mediate the motivating influence of cue-triggered reward expectations
Lichtenberg NT and Wassum KM
European Journal of Neuroscience (2016) 45 (3) 381-387. Free Full PDF
Nucleus accumbens acetylcholine receptors modulate dopamine and motivation
Collins AL, Aitken TJ, Greenfield VY, Ostlund SB and Wassum KM
Neuropsychopharmacology (2016) 41(12):2830-2838. Free Full Text
Dynamic mesolimbic dopamine signaling during action sequence learning and expectation violation
Collins AL, Greenfield VY, Bye JK, Linker KE, Wang AS and Wassum KM
Scientific Reports (2016) 6, 20231.
Nucleus accumbens core dopamine signaling tracks the need-based motivational value of food-paired cues
Aitken TJ*, Greenfield VY* and Wassum KM
Journal of Neurochemistry (2016) 136:5, 1026-1036. Free Full Text
The origins and organization of vertebrate Pavlovian conditioning
Fanselow MS and Wassum KM
Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology (2015).
The basolateral amygdala in reward learning and addiction
Wassum KM and Izquierdo A.
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews (2015) 57,271-283. Free Full Text
Basolateral amygdala rapid glutamate release encodes an outcome-specific representation vital for reward-predictive cues to selectively invigorate reward-seeking actions
Malvaez M, Greenfield VY, Wang AS, Yorita AM, Feng L, Linker KE, Monbouquette HG, Wassum KM.
Scientific Reports (2015) 5,12511.
Probing the neurochemical correlates of motivation and decision making
Wassum KM, Phillips PEM.
ACS Chemical Neuroscience (2015) 6(1), 11-13. Free Full Text
Inflated reward value in early opiate withdrawal
Wassum KM, Greenfield, VY, Linker KE, Maidment NT, Ostlund SB.
Addiction Biology (2014). Free Full Text
Phasic mesolimbic dopamine signaling encodes the facilitation of incentive motivation produced by repeated cocaine exposure
Ostlund SB, LeBlanc KH, Kosheleff AR, Wassum KM, Maidment NT.
Neuropsychopharmacology (2014) 39, 2441–2449.
Phasic mesolimbic dopamine release tracks reward seeking during expression of Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer
Wassum KM, Ostlund SB, Loewinger GC, Maidment NT.
Biological Psychiatry (2013) 73(8):747-55 Free Full Text
Electrochemically-deposited iridium oxide reference electrode integrated with an electroenzymatic glutamate sensor on a multi-electrode array microprobe
Tolosa VM, Wassum KM, Maidment NT, Monbouquette HG.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2013) 42: 256-60
Transient extracellular glutamate events in the basolateral amygdala track reward seeking actions
Wassum KM, Tolosa VM, Tseng TC, Balleine BW, Monbouquette HG, Maidment NT.
Journal of Neuroscience (2012) 32(8): 2734-2746.
Phasic mesolimbic dopamine signaling precedes and predicts performance of a self-initiated action sequence
Wassum KM, Ostlund SB, Maidment NT.
Biological Psychiatry Priority Communication (2012) 71(10):846-54. Free Full Text
See also commentary: A step-by-step guide to dopamine. Dayan P, Walton ME. Biol. Psychiatry (2012) 71(10):842-3.
Differential dependence of Pavlovian incentive motivation and instrumental incentive learning processes on dopamine signaling
Wassum KM, Ostlund SB, Balleine BW, Maidment NT.
Learning and Memory (2011)18(7):475-83. Free Full Text
Mu opioid receptor activation in the basolateral amygdala mediates the learning of increases, but not decreases in the incentive value of a food reward
Wassum KM, Cely IC, Balleine BW, Maidment NT.
Journal of Neuroscience (2011) 31(5): 1591-1599.
Extracellular dopamine levels in striatal subregions track shifts in motivation and response cost during instrumental conditioning
Ostlund SB, Wassum KM, Murphy NP, Balleine BW, Maidment NT.
Journal of Neuroscience (2011) 31(1): 200-207.
Disruption of endogenous opioid activity during instrumental learning enhances habit acquisition
Wassum KM, Cely IC, Ostlund SB, Maidment NT, Balleine BW.
Neuroscience (2009) 163(3): 770-80. Free Full Text
Distinct opioid circuits determine the palatability and the desirability of rewarding events
Wassum KM, Ostlund SB, Maidment NT, Balleine BW.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (2009) 106(30): 12512-7. Free Full Text
Silicon wafer-based platinum microelectrode array biosensor for near real-time measurement of glutamate in vivo
Wassum KM, Tolosa VM, Wang J, Walker E, Monbouquette HG, Maidment NT.
Sensors (2008)8: 5023-5036. Free Full Text
Dopamine release is heterogeneous within microenvironments of the rat nucleus accumbens
Wightman RM Heien ML, Wassum KM, Khan AS, Stuber GD, Ariansen JL, Aragona BJ, Cleaveland NA, Cheer JF, Phillips PEM, Carelli RM
European Journal of Neuroscience (2007) 26(7): 2046-54.
Phasic dopamine release evoked by abused substances requires cannabinoid receptor activation
Cheer JF, Wassum KM, Sombers LA, Heien ML, Ariansen JL, Aragona B, Phillips PE, Wightman RM.
Journal of Neuroscience (2007) 27(4): 791-5.
Cannabinoid Modulation of electrically-evoked pH and oxygen transients in the nucleus accumbens of awake rats
Cheer JF, Wassum KM, Wightman RM.
Journal of Neurochemistry (2006)97: 1145-1154.
Real-time measurement of dopamine fluctuations after cocaine in the brain of behaving rats
Heien MLAV, Khan AS, Ariansen JL, Cheer JF, Phillips PEM, Wassum KM, Wightman RM.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A (2005)102(29):10023-8. Free Full Text
Cannabinoids enhance subsecond dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens of awake rats
Cheer JF, Wassum KM, Heien ML, Phillips PE, Wightman RM.
Journal of Neuroscience (2004)24(18): 4393-400.