Lab Meetings

Wednesdays 3:30-5PM

When you’re slated to present you can give a project update, review a paper, pose a question to discuss, discuss a recent challenge or hurdle, discuss an idea, discuss a new method you’ve learned about etc.



1/15: Welcome Emily, Check-in & support Zoom

1/22: New Years kick off, resolutions & goals- come to lab meeting with at least one personal and one lab team resolution or goal and a one way in which you/we can implement this

1/29: Get to know one another. We’ve had a few new folks join recently. Everyone come prepared to lab meeting to discuss a little about yourself personally and, if you have one, your project. (Kate won’t be present)

2/5: Annaliese/Melissa/Denisse 

2/12: Ashley/Kathia/Wonn 

2/19: Wassum-Ray Joint Lab meeting

2/26:DEI, antiracism, allyship #10

3/5: tentative no meet (Kate NMB)

3/12: Nick/Jenna/any undergrad who would like to present

3/19: Team Building 

3/26: Annaliese/Melissa/Denisse 

4/2: Ashley/Kathia/Wonn 

4/9: No meet

4/16: Nick/Jenna/any undergrad who would like to present 

4/23: Team building

4/30: DEI, antiracism, allyship #11

5/7: Annaliese/Melissa/Denisse

5/14: Ashley/Kathia/Wonn

5/21: Nick/Jenna/any undergrad who would like to present

5/28:Team building

6/4: DEI, antiracism, allyship #12

TBD DEI, antiracism, allyship #13

TBD DEI, antiracism, allyship #14


1/10: New Years kick off, resolutions & goals- come to lab meeting with at least one personal and one lab team resolution or goal and a one way in which you/we can implement this

1/17: Lab team building lunch

1/24: Team Habit

1/31: no meet

2/7: Winter Brain Debrief, Team Action

2/14:  Team dopamine

2/21: Team action

2/28: Team habit

3/6: No meet

3/13: Women in Neuroscience

3/20:  Meeting on meetings

3/27: no meet

4/3: Team dopamine Cue-Reward: Kathia, Ana

4/10: Bring your favorite statistical test

4/17: Team Habit: Melissa (paper outline) Jackie

4/24: no meet

5/1: Wassum lab team building: core competencies & training protocols 

5/8: No meet 

5/15: Team dopamine A-O/Habit: Kelle, Ashley

5/22: Neuroscience undergrad poster day!! 

5/29: Christina practice presentation  DEI, antiracism, allyship

6/5: Tips, tricks, & trips for Wassum Lab behavior 

6/12: no meet

6/19: holiday

6/26: no meet 

7/3: JClub Blitz: Recent dopamine papers- what does dopamine do?

7/10: Team dopamine Cue-Reward: Kathia, Nick/Melissa

7/17: JClub Blitz: Peter Holland papers

7/24: Team Habit: Melissa Jackie

7/31: Jclub Blitz: Amygdala papers

8/7: No meet, SfN

8/14: Team dopamine: Ashley, Kathia

8/21: Bring your favorite new behavior

8/28: Annalise, Nick


9/11:Wassum Lab Team Building- come prepared to discuss: 1 thing that brings you joy in science, 1 thing you are grateful for in our lab, 1 thing that has been difficult recently that you have overcome, 1 thing that has been difficult that you have yet to overcome/could use some help with, 1 idea for how we can continue to build our DEI, antiracism, and allyship lab practice.

9/18: Kathia Pavlovian prep

9/25: no meet

10/2: SfN poster practice & prep, tips for tackling a big conference

10/9: No meet, SfN

10/16: Ashley Quals Prep; SfN Recap

10/23: DEI, antiracism, allyship #9 

10/30: Allison Practice poster

11/6: tentative no meet (Kate NMB)

11/13: Annaliese/Nick/Jenna 

11/20: Wassum Lab Team Building: a month ago we heard from thought leaders in our field and had the chance to plan a vision for neuroscience at UCLA with our colleagues. Come to lab meeting prepared with your thoughts on a vision for neuroscience in the Wassum lab, and how you think this vision could be achieved. We’ll think big and discuss together and come up with practical ways we can achieve our big goals and enable our future vision.

11/27: Tentative no meet, Thanksgiving

12/4: Jackie/Melissa

12/11: Sharpe, Wikenheiser, Wassum collab meeting, dopamine function outside striatum: Ashley & Kathia brief project presentations 

12/13: Wassum-Ostlund Joint lab meeting

12/18: End of year fun, team building