Lab Meetings

Wednesdays 3:30-5PM

When you’re slated to present you can give a project update, review a paper, pose a question to discuss, discuss a recent challenge or hurdle, discuss an idea, discuss a new method you’ve learned about etc.



1/15: Welcome Emily, Check-in & support Zoom

1/22: New Years kick off, resolutions & goals- come to lab meeting with at least one personal and one lab team resolution or goal and a one way in which you/we can implement this

1/29: Get to know one another. We’ve had a few new folks join recently. Everyone come prepared to lab meeting to discuss a little about yourself personally and, if you have one, your project. (Kate won’t be present)

2/5: Team Building: Space for discussion of current events and their impact, we will discuss ongoing events how we are thinking about them, what we are hearing, how we feel they are (or will) impacting us as individuals and a team, the broader impacts we see to our communities. Come prepared to discuss this and to consider where we have agency to support one another and exert change, where we can adapt, and what we need from our local leadership.

2/12: Personal organizational strategies. Come to lab meeting with at least one hot tip for how you stay organized to achieve your goals. If you like, bring your favorite Trader Joes snack to share with the group.
Implementing a cleaning schedule, How to keep inventory up to date, starting an opportunity spreadsheet. 

2/19: Wassum-Ray Joint Lab meeting

2/26: Annaliese/ Denisse 

3/5: Melissa/Nick/Jenna

3/12: Ashley/Kathia

3/19: Wonn/Natalie

3/26: How students of color confront impostor syndrome by D. Simmons 2015 (TED Talk). We’ll watch together and discuss.

4/2: Best practices in mentoring undergraduates. Come to lab meeting ready to discuss how we can best mentor undergraduate students in our lab.

4/9: Lab team building in Kate’s absence, Jeopardy

4/16: Annaliese/ Denisse 

4/23: Melissa/Nick/Jenna

4/30: Ashley/Kathia

5/7: Wonn/Natalie

5/14: Team Building

5/21: Come prepared with a hypothetical situation (something you have experienced, seen, read about, learned about in a workshop, or just made up) in the department environment that we can use to discuss how to best respond, support one another, and support folks all backgrounds. Each person will present their hypothetical and we’ll discuss as a group how folks in the situation might feel and brainstorm some ways to respond.

5/28: Annaliese/ Denisse 

6/4: Melissa/Nick/Jenna

6/11: Ashley/Kathia

6/18: Wonn/Natalie

6/25: Lab team building in Kate’s absence

7/2: Team Building

7/9: Kathia GRC prep

7/16: Lab team building in Kate’s absence